I am almost a Junior according to USA, however I will have completed a double minor and a double major by the time I graduate. I have a minor in Environmental Science and I will have a minor in General Studies. I will have a double major in History. I will graduate with all hope in Spring 2011. I will be certified to teach Secondary Social Studies 6-12 grades. I graduated from my orginal 2 year degree with a 3.84 GPA. At this time I am still maintaining a 3.55 GPA at USA.
I am almost a Junior according to USA, however I will have completed a double minor and a double major by the time I graduate. I have a minor in Environmental Science and I will have a minor in General Studies. I will have a double major in History. I will graduate with all hope in Spring 2011. I will be certified to teach Secondary Social Studies 6-12 grades. I graduated from my orginal 2 year degree with a 3.84 GPA. At this time I am still maintaining a 3.55 GPA at USA.
My Teaching Philosophy
What I hope to learn!
I already told you, Learning is my “thing”! So it would not be fitting for me not to ponder what I hope to learn from teaching. First of all I know my students have something for me to learn from them. I am excited to embark on that journey. The world of knowledge is more complex to me than molecular fusion, which I am quite sure is pretty difficult. So of course I know that I do not now know everything, nor will I know everything when I begin to teach, nor (you guessed it) will I know everything once I have taught for 20 years. Learning is an ongoing task. It is like the paintings Leonardo DeVinci never finished, or the architecture the Egyptians never built. I will continue to seek knowledge and truth and justice (yes I wanted to be a super hero too) for all of the years I continue to breath! Perception lends people the ability to see through murky details and sort out possibilities, Education does much the same thing. If you short change yourself the opportunity of continued education, No I’m not merely talking about college, though I am an EXTREME advocate for it, I am instead referencing each person own cognitive critical thinking of life, the world, people, experiences, happiness, pain, if one does not seek to become aware of the information stream available then one lacks the ability to completely process life. I ask “Why does that turtle just sit on that log?” or I wonder, “What is Peanut thinking?” my dog, as he lies beside me appearing to be completely content. Though these questions seem mundane, these are the wonders of my world; I intend to get to the bottom of! I am an Educator; I am a Student of Life!